Showing posts with label grebe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grebe. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The struggle of wildlife photography

Pied-Billed Grebes on Nest, Washington

There’s a lot about nature photography that’s difficult. Fighting uncooperative equipment. Braving intense weather. Conquering tough trails. But one of the most difficult aspects is standing around, doing nothing, as nature does what nature does.

If you watch many nature documentaries, you may be under the impression that photographers get excited the moment they see animals struggle for their lives. Struggle seems to be a necessary part of life and it can result in dramatic images. While documenting that struggle can be a necessary part of my job, it is a part that, frankly, sucks.

Let me tell you about an afternoon I spent observing the nest of a pied-billed grebe.